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The book provides an in-depth explanation of the anatomy and kinesiology of the movement system and of common postural pathologies and disorders. The book also details ways of diagnosing posture and includes therapeutic adapted movement for special needs. This research-based information is supported by current professional literature and is presented to the reader in a clear visual manner.
The book is intended for instructors, therapists and professionals dealing in normative or faulty human movement (orthopedics, physical therapy, occupational therapy, therapeutic sport, hydrotherapy, etc.). Teachers dealing with movement in the various methods (yoga, Feldenkraiz, Pilates, gym work, eurhythmics for children, physical education, alternative treatment methods, etc.) will also find the book a good source for answers to questions that arise in their work.

Considerable effort was invested in presenting the theoretical materials in the book in visually attractive and useful style. Clear visual illustrations accompany the body of the text throughout (hundreds of sketches, detailed and explained anatomical illustrations, and photographs that demonstrate exercises and treatment processes. Each exercise or therapeutic aspect is illustrated with a picture.) All of the diagrams and illustrations in the book are original and were adapted specifically to emphasize elements of the movement and posture system.




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